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What To Expect During A Colonoscopy

Date: 03/28/18

A colonoscopy is a test that lets your doctor see the inside of your colon. A tool called a colonoscope will be used. The colonoscope is a thin, flexible tube that contains a camera. During the test, small pieces of tissue may be removed. These pieces will be sent to a lab to test for cancer. It is helpful to know what to expect during a colonoscopy so that you are more prepared.

When your test is scheduled:

When your doctor schedules your colonoscopy, he or she will give you instructions on how to prepare. These instructions will tell you how to make sure your bowels are completely empty before your test. It is important that you follow these directions carefully. Be sure to call your doctor if you have any questions about these instructions.

It is also important for your doctor to know about any medicines you are taking before the test. These might be prescription medicines or over-the-counter medicines. Be sure to tell your doctor about all medicines you’re taking.

Be sure to also talk to your doctor about any risk factors like family history of colorectal cancer, tobacco use, alcohol use and diet. Your doctor will talk to you about these risk factors and help you decide how to lower your risks for colorectal cancer.

When it’s time for your test:

Before the colonoscopy, you will be sedated. This means a drug will be given to you through an IV to help you relax. Many patients often go to sleep and sleep through the whole process. You should not feel any pain during the test.

After you are sedated, your doctor will ask you to turn onto your side. Then the colonoscope will be inserted into the rectum. Images from the colonoscope will be sent to a television screen so that your doctor can see them.

The process takes from 20 minutes to an hour. When it is over, your nurse will take you to a recovery room where you will wait for the sedation to wear off. It takes about an hour for the sedation to wear off. You will need to have someone to drive you home to be safe.

When your test is over:

Your doctor will come talk to you about the results of your test. The results will be either positive or negative. A negative result means your doctor did not find anything wrong. A positive results means that the doctor found polyps or abnormal tissue in your colon. If your results were positive, your doctor will talk to you about what you need to do next.

Things to remember about a colonoscopy:

  • You should feel nothing if your doctor takes a sample of the tissue from your colon.
  • You should not experience any recovery pain.
  • You can resume normal activity the day after the test, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.