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What Is Open Enrollment?

Date: 06/19/17

What Is Open Enrollment?

Open Enrollment is when you can choose to change your Healthy Louisiana Medicaid plan. It starts on June 30 and ends August 30. You should receive a letter from Healthy Louisiana about Open Enrollment soon.

If You are Already Our Member

Don’t worry! Because you are already a Louisiana Healthcare Connections member, you can do nothing and stay connected to your current benefits. You don’t have to call, sign or join anything to keep the doctors you have and the care you need.

If You are Not a Louisiana Healthcare Connections Member (Yet!)

If you want to switch to Louisiana Healthcare Connections, we’d love to have you! All you need to do is call the number below between June 30 and August 30, 2017 and tell them you choose Louisiana Healthcare Connections for your health plan.

To Choose Louisiana Healthcare Connections:
1-855-229-6848 (Hearing loss TTY: 1-855-526-3346)

We’ve Got You Covered.

Louisiana Healthcare Connections is a health plan for the whole family. Our members enjoy benefits designed for their total well-being. What can you expect as a Louisiana Healthcare Connections member?

So stay connected to Louisiana Healthcare Connections. There’s nothing to it!

Connect Your Loved Ones

Do you have friends and family who would like to join you as a Louisiana Healthcare Connections member, too? It’s easy. Just tell them to call Healthy Louisiana at 1-855-229-6848 or visit and click “Choose a health plan.”