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Reporting Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation

What is abuse?

Abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional.

  • Physical: Contact or actions that cause injury or pain, such as hitting, pinching, yanking, shoving, pulling hair or dumping from chair.
  • Emotional: Threats, taunts, isolation, bullying or harassment.
  • Sexual: Any unwanted sexual contact. Any unwanted action with sexual intent, or any sexual activity with a person who is not able to understand or consent.

What is neglect?

When a caregiver is not providing basic care such as food, water, medical help, medicine, shelter, safety or proper personal cleanliness.

What is exploitation?

The misuse of a person’s money, services, property or power of attorney.

How do I report abuse, neglect or exploitation?

If any of these happen to you or someone you know, please speak out. You can tell Louisiana Healthcare Connections, the Louisiana Department of Health, or your local/state police.

  • Louisiana Healthcare Connections: 1-866-595-8133 (TTY: 711)
  • Louisiana Department of Health:
    • For individuals 18 or older call, Adult Protective Services at 1-800-898-4910.
    • For individuals under 18, call the Department of Child and Family Services at 1-855-452-5437.
  • Or call your local or state police.